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Keelah Koala is one of Australia’s most recognizable animals. Keelah and other Koalas only like to..
$ 39.00 AUD Ex Tax: $ 35.45 AUD
Jason the Tasmanian Tiger is the cousin of Jack the Tasmanian Tree Frog and his best friends isThom..
Edna Dunnart is a furry narrow-footed marsupial the size of a mouse.She is probably our cutest sof..
Kath Kangaroo and her baby Joey are our most easily recognized native animal. The Kangaroo is..
$ 49.00 AUD Ex Tax: $ 44.55 AUD
Peter Pink Robin is the best friend of Mitch Yellow Robin puppet. This little Australian bir..
$ 33.00 AUD Ex Tax: $ 30.00 AUD
Rebel Rainbow Lorikeet is our most colourful puppet. He is a big favorite with young children for st..
Rosie the Pink Cockatoo is admired far and wide in Australia for its unique beauty.Rosie likes to ..
Mitch is seldom noisy, but has a penetrating piping call is one of the first of the morning chorus..
Beau Bridled Nail-Tailed Wallaby is a member of the “Wallaby Gang”.He is also described as a bridl..
Johnny Boy Swamp Wallaby is a member of the ‘Wallaby Gang”.He lives in eastern Australia, in Queen..
Lisa Brush Tailed Wallaby is a member of the “Wallaby Gang”. She has a very bush black tail.Facts ..
Rocky Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby is the largest of all the wallabies in Australia. He is a active m..
Amy is one of Australia’s favorite marine mammals. She has a leathery layer on top instead of a..
Spike Echidna is also known as the spiny anteater.He has a slender snout and long, flicking tongue, ..
Rowdy is probably Australia’s most identified native animal alongside KJ Kangaroo.He is Australia’..
Thomas the Tasmanian Devil is a very special puppet. He has lots of friends here at Kiss the ..
Ben Baw Baw frog is a member of the infamous “FROGGY FIVE”.Ben is listed as endangered and he i..
Jack the Tasmanian Tree Frog is the cousin of Thomas the Tasmanian Devil.Jack is also a member of ..
Ribic Red-eyed Tree Frog is a member of the ‘Froggy Five” – the ruling council of all Australian n..
Luke Tree Frog is a member of the “Froggy Five”.He is larger than most other frogs. Facts about Lu..
KJ Kangaroo is probably Australia’s most identified native animal.The Kangaroo is probably the best ..
A pink nose, a long fluffy bushy tail and large brown eyes make Glenda one of our most popular..
$ 53.00 AUD Ex Tax: $ 48.18 AUD
Kate Kangaroo is probably Australia’s most identified native animal.The Kangaroo is probably the b..
Peeper Possum has a wonderful fluffy grey or brown tail in MEDIUM only. Peeper LARGE has a GREY tail..